Ready to go from blank pages to a binge-worthy book?

Whether navigating the maze of a first draft or fine-tuning a manuscript, I’m here to help you craft an irresistible story that keeps readers hooked from start to finish!

I help writers finish books. Period.

Let’s be real…

You don’t need another person, place, or thing telling you why you should write a book. You just need someone to show you how to do it—like, right now!

Because endless Google searches on “How to write a book,” have left you with 5 different versions of the same story


You’re struggling to move forward because you're not sure if your book idea is the right choice.

And the problem with stuck is the more stuck you get, the more impossible it feels to move forward…

It’s time to let go of…

  • Writing page after page of a story that goes nowhere.

  • Restarting old book ideas only to get stuck again.

  • Lengthly revisions due to inadequate story structure.

  • Passionless writing that doesn’t serve your purpose.

  • Hundreds of dollars spent on help that only left you more confused.

How we can work together


Whether you're struggling with plot twists, character arcs, or simply seeking inspiration, this 60-minute intensive will tackle your biggest story issues head-on—and get you moving forward with confidence and clarity.

1:1 strategy sessions


Monthly support + accountability

Get personalized feedback, consistent accountability, and practical strategies to navigate plot twists, character arcs, pacing, and more with four private coaching sessions.

12wk coaching intensive


An immersive, 1:1 program designed to help you craft a compelling story from start to finish. Dive deep into character development, plot structuring, and more—culminating in a powerful roadmap to your first draft.

Hey writer! I’m Gwendolyn…

Once upon a time I stopped writing because self-doubt led me to believe I wasn’t good enough. I thought because the words didn’t come easily, I wasn’t cut out to be an author. Thank God for common sense kicking in—and an awesome writing mentor.

I learned the value of my personal journey and stories, and the benefit of having someone guide me through my knowledge gaps. I knew then that I had to use my life and experiences to help other authors recognize the value in sharing their stories.

If you’re ready for a clear roadmap on how to write your story, and the renewed motivation to do it well, let’s work together!